Class 8 English Grammar Exercise- Unit 2- Peaceful Co-existence - The Poem Do it Anyway by Mother Teresa

Class 8 English Grammar Exercise- Unit 2- Peaceful Co-existence - The Poem Do it Anyway by Mother Teresa

Click 👉 Questions and Answers: Unit-2: The poem “Do it anyway"


 Use of English/Grammar Exercise

Unit 2:

" Peaceful Co-existence "

The Poem  “Do it Anyway"

 by Mother Teresa

(National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2023-2024 and Onwards)

(Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023 and onward, FDE, Islamabad )

1. Underline the adjectives used in this poem. (Page-32)

a) If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. 
Be kind anyway.

b) If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. 
Succeed anyway.

c) If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you. 
Be honest and frank anyway.

d) What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight
Build anyway.

2. Complete these sentences using any adjectives that you think are suitable and identify which type of adjective it is. (Page-32-33)

a) Your/His character is ideal. 
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

b) Which method is easier?
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

c) I would like to bring a few people. 
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

d) We are a Muslim nation. (Proper adjective)
(Descriptive, Numeral,  Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

e) He is a good/popular singer. (adjective)
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

f) She came with this mission to help everyone. (adjective)
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, DemonstrativePossessive, Interrogative adjective)

g) I have two dresses but only one fits me perfectly. (Numeral adjective)
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

h) This time, I will not leave you. (Demonstrative adjective)
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, DemonstrativePossessive, Interrogative adjective)

i) Which books are you reading?(Interrogative adjective)
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

j) I could not understand your intention.
(Descriptive, Numeral, Proper, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative adjective)

3. Prepare your own sentences using descriptive, numeral, proper, demonstrative, possessive, and interrogative adjectives. (Page-33)

Types of adjectives

Your Own Sentence

Descriptive adjective

My aunt’s cooking is full of taste.

Numeral adjective

Only a few people were invited to Sara’s party.

Proper adjective

Muslims live in brotherhood.

Demonstrative adjective

The coffee is too bitter.

Possessive adjective

Your laugh is disturbing the class.

Interrogative adjective

Which classes will attend the function in the auditorium?


Source: English Book (National Book Foundation, Pakistan)


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1.  5th Class All Subjects Notes

2.  8th Class All Subjects Notes

3.  Easy English Grammar Notes

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2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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