The Summary of the poem: A Time to Talk - Unit-2 Peaceful Co-Existence - Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023 and onward, FDE, Islamabad

The Summary of the poem: A Time to Talk - Unit-2 Peaceful Co-Existence - Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023 and onward, FDE, Islamabad

 Unit 2:

" Peaceful Co-existence "

(National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2023-2024 and Onwards)

The Summary of the poem "A Time to Talk": (Page-17)

The poem “A Time to Talk” by Robert Frost is about the value of friendship and priorities even while working, take the time to chat with your friend, the work will still be there when you come back. Friends and family are very important in life. In the poem, the speaker is talking about how if a friend comes to talk to him while he is busy doing something, he will put down whatever he is doing and talk to him. It is imperative for people to realize that when they ignore their friends in order to finish the work they are doing, the work may seem unavoidable to them right now. But in a few days or months, they will have forgotten about it. However, if they keep ignoring their friends, they may lose their friends forever. And by that time, it will be too late. Maintaining friendships holds a lot of importance.


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The Central Idea of the Poems:


Summaries of the Poems:


Source: English Book (National Book Foundation, Pakistan)


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