The central idea of the poem - Do it Anyway - Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023-24 and onward, FDE, Islamabad

The central idea of the poem - Do it Anyway - Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023-24 and onward, FDE, Islamabad

 Unit 2:

" Peaceful Co-existence "

(National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2023-2024 and Onwards

The Central idea of the poem "Do it Anyway": (Page-30)

This poem tells us to be honest, nice, kind, frank, and happy under all circumstances. There’ll be people who would want to cheat on us or let us down. But all of this won't matter because God will always acknowledge our good deeds.


A YouTube Video Presentation -- Please subscribe also!


The Central Idea of the Poems:


Summaries of the Poems:


Source: English Book (National Book Foundation, Pakistan)


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