Paraphrase of a poem - A Far Away Village - Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023-24 and onward, FDE, Islamabad

Paraphrase of a poem - A Far Away Village - Class 8 English Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023-24 and onward, FDE, Islamabad

Poem: A Far Away Village

(National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2023-2024 and Onwards

Q. Paraphrasing of the Poem; 


Written and Translated By; 

Naseer Ahmad Nasir;

Stanza - 1

Very far away is my village;

where the fire beetles of my childhood;

in the thick leafage of peepul trees;

are still aflame;

ParaphrasingMy village seems distant; Where the fireflies of my childhood; still shine brightly among the thick leaves of peepul trees; 

Stanza - 2

The lisping words;

that fell from my lips once

are still alive;

on the aged, bowed staircase that's;

breathing its last;

in the long abandoned house;

like a rapier tucked into the breast of silence; 

ParaphrasingThe soft-spoken words; That once escaped my lips; Persist still; On the weathered, sagging stairs; In the abandoned home; Is Like a sword sheathed in silence's chest.  

Stanza - 3

Very far away is my village;

Where darkness;

spreads even before it is evening; 

Tick tacking sound from the flour mill;

flights of birds;

fading far, far away;

Paraphrasing; My village lies distant; Where darkness Expands even ere twilight. The rhythmic hum of the flour mill; Birds in flight; Recede into the distance.

Stanza - 4

tinkling of the harnessing bells;

all meld into one silent tune;

to get drowned into the lagoon;

of the ark night;

Paraphrasing; The gentle chime of the harnessing bells blends together into a single quiet melody; Submerged in the depths of the dark night's embrace;

Stanza - 4

Very far away is my village;

where in the dim trembling light of lanterns;

while learning my lessons;

I had seen the dreams of my good days;

Paraphrasing; My village is distant indeed; where in the faint, flickering glow of lanterns; while absorbing my teachings; I once glimpsed the aspirations of my brighter times. 

Q: Paraphrase of a poem. Read through the following statements carefully, then paraphrase textual expressions from the poem. 


a) In the poet's village the sounds seem to be something like soft snow melting and mixing up with liquid water which he depicted by synthesizing multiple images. 

Thinking of the harnessing bells all are blended into one silent tune to be drowned into the dark lake of night.

b) In his old deserted home there is something that symbolizes support, the poet got from his family in raising him up in life but now it has been advised and is in need of support. 

The bowed staircase that’s breathing its last symbolizes the support the poet got from his family in raising him up.

c) The post describes the place where his village is. According to his description, his village is where dreams and desires become tangible and throbbing with life. 

Very far away is my village where I saw dreams of happy days ahead, although in the light of hurricane lamps.

d) The routines of inhabitants are according to the law of nature whether they be birds or human beings. 

Very far away is my village-where darkness spreads even before it is the evening. 


Central Ideas 👇:


Source: English Book (National Book Foundation, Pakistan)


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