Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: Unit-5: Amazing Planet

Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: Unit-5: Amazing Planet

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Grammar Exercise: Unit-5: Amazing Planet

National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2024-2025 and Onwards

Q. Sort the words that begin and end with 3 consonant letters (strange fonts, lifts, thirsts) (Page-48)









Q. Make words with the given affixes. (Page-50)

Prefixes   Words        

Prefixes Words        

mis_        misbehave

_wise ðŸ Šclasswise, likewise

over_      overcrowded

_ful ðŸ Š fruitful , handful

pre_        premature

_ly ðŸ Š  quickly , neatly

im_         immoral

_ist ðŸ Š wrist , mist

Q Read the poem and fill in the blanks. (Page-50)

i. The Earth is our home

ii. We are destroying the Earth's skin and bones

iii. We are polluting the air of the Earth. 

iv. The Earth needs love and care.

Q. Write the meaning of the following (P-50)




came to an end


guilt, feel sad, shame





Q. Write the synonyms and antonyms. (P-50)



















Q. Read the given text. Write synonyms and antonyms for the underlined words in your notebook (P:51)

1. The world is happy because the spring season is coming. 
Antonym: sad 
Synonym: glad 

2. The grass becomes soft and green. 
Antonym: smooth 
Synonym:  hard 

3. The garden presents a beautiful 
Antonym: pretty 
Synonym: ugly

4. The flowers are blooming everywhere. 
Antonym: pretty 
Synonym: ugly

5. The birds are enjoying the spring.
Antonym: liking
Synonym: disliking

Q.  Rearrange the jumbled letters to make words and learn their spelling (P:51

Jumbled Letters:   hceer,  inwowd,  verge,  Idwor,  csene

Arranged Letters:  cheer,  window,  every,  world,  scene 

Q. Circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns in the given sentences. (P-52) 

1. Amina and Sana are playing with their dolls.

2. Hamza's cat is very naughty. 

3. Their school is going on a trip to Mazar-e-Quaid

4.  Satpara lake is a beautiful lake in Pakistan.

5.  The River Ravi flows through Lahore

Q. Underline the common gender nouns. (P-52)

1. The patient is sleeping.

2. My cousin will visit us soon. 

3. The baby is crying loudly. 

4. A bird is chirping in the tree. 

5. These workers are hard-working.

More common Gender Nouns: teacher, friend, neighbour} 

Q. Punctuate and rewrite correctly. (P-53)

1.  why was the world happy 
P:  Why was the world happy? 

2.  the birds are singing the songs 
P:  The birds are singing the songs. 

3. her favourite flowers are roses sunflowers and tulips. 
P: Her favourite flowers are roses, sunflowers and tulips•

4.  wow what a beautiful flower it is 
P:  Wow! What a beautiful flower it is. 

5.  i like the spring season. 
P:  I like the spring season.

Q:7 Read the given mind map and write a paragraph about climate change in your notebook.


Climate change refers to the adverse change in the environment and its impact on the living organisms on Earth. The climate of the earth has become warmer over the last twenty years. Deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels, season shift, and human activities are the most important reasons for global warming which cause a variation in the climate. The result of Climate Change is not soothing. It consists of increased temperature, melting of glaciers, intense rainfall, and frequent forest fires. Deforestation and pollution are also affecting the climate. Due to climate change, we are also losing freshwater resources. We need to bring these changes under control to save our planet Earth and the living world.

Q. Make a mind map about your favourite season and write a paragraph about it (P:53


I like the spring season. In this season colourful flowers bloom everywhere. The air is fresh. Birds sing songs. The temperature is moderate in this season. We see greenery everywhere.

Q:8 Write a paragraph about the ‘importance of the natural environment’ in your notebook. You may use the given word bank. (P:53

Earth         plant         water         air


The natural environment is very important for human life. Plants, water, and fresh air are basic needs of human beings. We are connected with nature and earth, forests and trees filter air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water.

Q: Write the central idea of the poem "I am the Earth".

Central Idea:-

In this poem, the poet wants to show some information about global warming and climate change. He is making us realize the importance of the earth. It is our duty to keep our earth free of plastic waste and pollution. Otherwise, it will not be worth living place because it will be totally destroyed due to our careless attitude towards it. 

Q1. Explain the feelings of the Earth in your own words.

Ans: The Earth is sad and hurt because she is fading due to man's careless attitude towards it. The Earth requests that men keep it clean withal love and care. 

Q2. Which problems are being faced by the Earth? 

Ans: The Earth is being destroyed due to plastic, waste, and pollution spread by man. it is fading at a fast pace. It needs love and care 

Q3 : How can we keep our environment clean? 

Ans: we can keep our environment neat and clean by not spreading plastic, waste, and pollution. We should not throw litter everywhere. We should use smoke-free cars. 


Shortcut Links of Solved Grammar Exercise:


Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes (New)

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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