Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: Unit-10: Eid-Ul-Azha

Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: Unit-10: Eid-Ul-Azha

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Grammar Exercise: Unit-10: Eid-Ul-Azha

National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2024-2025 and Onwards

Q. Divide the words into syllables. 


 Syllable Division



 im - pa - tient - ly 



 mo - ment 



 ca - ttle 



 fort - night 



 thank - ful 


Q. Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks with the correct options. 

1. Suleman saw some banner about a __________.

... Answer is (ii)  cattle sale

2. Suleman wanted to buy a ____________ for Eid.

... Answer is (ii)  goat

3. They are going to buy their animal for sacrifice on ____________.

... Answer is (ii) Sunday

4. Prophet ___________ had a dream about sacrificing his son

... Answer is (ii) Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

Q. Write Synonyms and Antonyms 













 great   Ø¹Ø¸ÙŠÙ… 

 awesome   Ø²Ø¨Ø±Ø¯Ø³Øª

mean    Ø¹Ø¸ÙŠÙ… 





 My watch is new.


 I watch cartoons.


 The bird was flying. 


 A fly was teasing me.


 I play with a bat. 


 The bat was flying.


 I can not pay the fine. 


 I am fine thank you.


 I go to the park on Sunday. 


 My father parked the car in the street.

Q: Fill in the blanks with the correct homophones.

1. Please get a piece of paper. (peace, piece)

2. They can't wait for you. (weight,  wait)

3. They are going to buy a goat.  (too,  to)

4. My uncle has a good tale to tell.  (tail  ,  tell)

5. Do you know this news? (no  , know)

Compound Words:

Make compound words 

Ans: (1) grasshopper,    (2) Qusaylard,     (3) lifetime
       (4) pancake,          (5) sunlight,       (6) notebook

Fill in the missing letters:

sacrifice  ,  thoughtfully  ,  inquire  ,  excitement  ,  celebrate  ,   memorise  ,  unite  ,   rush 

Pointing Words: (Demonstrative pronouns)

Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronoun:

1. You will have to use your pen. This is mine.

2. Let me introduce you to Ali, this is Suleman. 

3. I have five new dressed. Look these are beautiful.

4. I made sandwiches yesterday. Those were delicious.

Apostrophe ( ' ):

Mate Contractions using the apostrophe:

 Full Forms


 We will


 did not


 is not


 I am


 They are


 could not


 I have


 Will not


shall not


 should not


 We will 


 does not


Q:11 write two sentences using “should “ and “should not” each in your

i. You should stop eating fast food.
ii. you should go for walks more often.

Should not 
i. I should not eat too much sugar.
ii. we should not wash white clothes with colored clothes.


Q: Write a paragraph on the topic ‘A good day with my family in your notebook. (p-106)

A good day with my family

One day I went to a circus with my family. My dad drove us. We enjoyed a ride on electric swings. I liked the roller coaster. We all screamed. It was fun. My mom bought a necklace. We enjoyed kababs and naan. It was a beautiful day.

Q: Read the given sentences. Circle the words with long vowel sounds and underline the words with short vowel sounds.

My mother baked a red velvet cake.
My mother baked a red velvet cake.

She had drawn some trees and the sun in her drawing notebook.
She had drawn some trees and the sun in her drawing notebook.

Ali had written a note that he could not participate in the school function.
Ali had written a note that he could not participate in the school function.

He bought a new tub and water tube from the shop.
He bought a new tub and water tube from the shop.

They made a plan to travel by aeroplane.
They made a plan to travel by aeroplane.

Q: Fill in the given paragraph with personal pronouns.

My friend, Hamna, and I went to the aquarium on Sunday. Hamna and I saw many kinds of fish, a seahorse, and some jellyfish. I bought her a stuffed penguin at the gift shop. Then, Hanna took a picture of me next to a giant octopus. An aquarium worker, named Tariq, introduced him and briefed us about different kinds of fish. We enjoyed it a lot.

Q:15 Write the fable on the topic “A Lion and the Mouse” with a moral.

A Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. One day it was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion. Suddenly the lion got up in anger. The lion angrily took hold of the tiny mouse. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity and left it. The mouse ran away. On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. He roared and tried to escape but failed. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and came there to cut the net. Hus lion escaped. Thereafter, the mouse and the lion became friends.

Adverbs of frequency:

Q. Underline the adverbs of frequency. (P: 105-6)

Ans. always  ,  often  ,  sometimes  ,  after  ,  usually   ,  never.

Shortcut Links of Solved Grammar Exercise of:


Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes (New)

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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