Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: Unit-11: Let's Be Helpful

Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: Unit-11: Let's Be Helpful

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Grammar Exercise: Unit-11: Let's Be Helpful

National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2024-2025 and Onwards

Q:2 Read the given paragraph and write its main idea in your notebook.

Main idea Money is important to fulfill dreams. It is earned by hardworking. So, it is essential to make proper spending decisions and do not, waste money on extra things.

Q. Write meanings, number of syllables & sentences.




 Syllable’s Number


 money invested / capital outlay






  to suggest an act








1. His father gave him an investment in property.

2. I measured the cloth.

3. The principal recommended the student for admission.

4. He provided money to his family. 

Q: fill in the blanks. (P:114)

1.   Their school was arranging a _____________.

2.   Sara's father could not buy her a new __________.

3.   They went with Maheen's ____________ to the market.
4.   Sharing brings ______________.

5.   We should take ___________ of each other.

Answers : 

1. funfairs        2. dress        3. mother        4. happiness    5. case

Q: Fill in the missing letters.  (P: 115)

stock  ,  information  ,  steal  ,  expert  ,  amount

Q. Choose the correct Question words. (P: 115) 

1. How often do you visit your grandparents? 

2 Why do we need money?

3. When do you go to school? 

4. How many students are there in your classroom? 

5. How much does this dress cost? 

Q: Make sentences using the given preposition.

Across, towards, onto, into

Prepositions Sentences
Across Ali pointed at a car across the street.
Towards The dog ran towards a man.
Onto The book fell onto the floor.
Into He ran into the room.

Simple Present Tense


Q: Change into negative and interrogative sentences 

1. My mother washes clothes.

Negative: My mother does not wash clothes. Interrogative: Does my mother wash clothes?

2. The birds fly in the air.

Negative: The birds do not fly in the air. 

Interrogative: Do the birds fly in the air?

3. He likes swimming. 

Negative: He does not like swimming.

Interrogative: Does he like swimming?

5. Saad watches Tv every day. 

Negative: Saad does not watch TV every day.

Interrogative: Dees Sand watch TV every day? 

Q: Make a mind map of the Qualities of a good person.

Shortcut Links of Solved Grammar Exercise of:


Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes (New)

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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