Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: - Review: 4

Class 5 English Grammar Exercise: - Review: 4

Click 👉 Questions and Answers: Review: 4


Grammar Exercise: Review: 4

National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on Single National Curriculum Pakistan 2024-2025 and Onwards

Q: Read the given words. Divide them into their syllables and write their numbers of syllables with the help of a dictionary.


Division of Syllables

 Syllable’s Number


 stor - my  



 com - plaint 



 in - telli - gence 



 pass - word 



 Tech - no - lo - gy


Q: Summarize the paragraph (P: 149) 

Ans: choosing a career has great importance and affects one's life. Children need career counseling from their elders. 

Q. Fill in the blanks with prepositions (P: 150)

As we were walking ________ the hill, it suddenly started to rain. There wasn't any shelter around. Luckily, there was a cave nearby and we ran _________ it. My friend and I took out our torches and started walking _______ the cave. As we were going _______ a wall, we were surprised to see drawings on it. We continued walking and came to a small lake. We waded ___________the lake and kept going on our journey

Answers: up, towards, in, beside, through 

Q. Read the sentences and write their types.

1. Open the window. (Command sentence)

2. Wow! What a beautiful sight. (Exclamatory Sentence)

3. Are you going to the park? (Interrogative)

4. Don't mate a noise. (Instructional)

5. It is a pleasant day today. (Positive)

6. Turn off the tap. (Command

Q: punctuate (P:150)

turkey is one of the most beautiful countries in the world have you ever been there i love it the main cities of istanbul and antalya are great some of the views of these cities are stunning 


Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Have you ever been there? I love it. The main cities of Istanbul and Antalya are great. Some of the views of these cities are stunning. 

Shortcut Links of Solved Grammar Exercise of:


Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes (New)

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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