Class V - General Science SLOs Based Solved Model Paper - For Centralized Annual Examination – 2024, FDE, Islamabad

Class V - General Science SLOs Based Solved Model Paper - For Centralized Annual Examination – 2024, FDE, Islamabad


Section -A (Objective) 30 Marks

Note: Cutting, Erasing, and Overwriting are not allowed.

1.  The change of milk into yogurt is

... Answer is C. chemical change

2. How does light travel in the air?

... Answer is C. Along a straight line

3. To which group does the cat belong?

... Answer is D. Mammals

4. The ovary ripens to form:

... Answer is B. Fruit

5.  Penicillium is an example of which group?

... Answer is B. Fungi

6. We can see a faint image across:

... Answer is B. Translucent objects

7. . Which type of pollination is a must for Papaya? :

... Answer is A. Self-pollination

8. . Speed of sound is maximum in:

... Answer is A. A metal wire

9. A freely suspended bar magnet always stays along:

... Answer is B. The north-south direction

10. Current can easily pass through:

... Answer is A. A steel paper clip `

11. NASA is responsible for:

... Answer is C. Space exploration and aviation

12. What type of soil is good for growing plants?

... Answer is B. Silt

13. An object that revolves around another object due to its gravity is:

... Answer is B. Satellite

14.  The amount of fresh water on the earth is:

... Answer is A. about 1 %

15. The system that locates the position of objects on the Earth’s surface:

... Answer is C. The GPS

16.  Materials that allow the flow of electric current through them are:

... Answer is C. Conductor

17. The hottest and the heaviest part of the Earth is: :

... Answer is C. Core

18. We check the horizontal surface level by:

... Answer is C. Spirit level

19. The intensity of sound decreases with _____ increase in from its source:

... Answer is B. Distance

20. Due to the action of oxygen and water, Iron undergoes

... Answer is B. Rusting

21. Which one is not a part of maize seed?

... Answer is D. Anther

22. Which of the following contaminates food:

... Answer is B. Microorganism

23. The given figure is of a dicot seed. Which statement is correct?

... Answer is C. Cotyledon stores food for the embryo

24. Organisms produce new organisms of their own kind through:

... Answer is A. Sexual reproduction

25.  4-R Principle is used for:

... Answer is A. Bio-degradable materials

26. Different kinds of organisms found in any particular area are called--------

... Answer is B. Biodiversity

27. The flow of an electric current is controlled by :

... Answer is C. A switch

28. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

... Answer is A. Oxygen

29. Sterile gauze is used for:

... Answer is B. As a bandage wound

30. The germs present in it cause typhoid

... Answer is A. Sewerage water

SECTION-B (40 Marks)

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 15 Minutes

Note: attempt any TEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.   (10x4 =40)

Q. No. 2: Answer these Questions:

i) What are the four effects of pollution on life?

(i) Germs present in polluted water are causes of the diseases.
(ii) Bacteria present in sewerage use most of the dissolved oxygen present in water. The aquatic animals e.g., fish die due to lack of oxygen.
(iii) The pollutants such as chemicals and other gases in polluted air cause throat, skin, and eye diseases.
(iv) Pollutant gases present in smog cause lung diseases and allergies.

ii) The moon is non-luminous like our Earth. How does it look luminous to us?

Ans: The Moon is non-luminous like our Earth. It doesn't give off light of its own.  All the light we see is the reflected light of the sun. 

iii) The soil of forests in a hot climate is always hot and moist, whereas the soil of forests in a cold climate is cold and dry. Out of these two areas
where does the decomposition of fallen leaves take place faster and why?

Ans: The rate of decomposition increases with the increase in temperature, humidity, and oxygen. The soil of forests in a hot climate is always hot and moist, due to which the decomposing process is faster in both areas. That's why the decomposition of fallen leaves will take place more quickly and speedily in hot climates. 

iv) Write the names and functions of the four parts of a flower.

Ans: The four parts of the flower are:

i. Sepals     ii. petals:     iii. Stamen      iv. Carpel 

Sepals: They protect the flower.

Petals: They attract insects and birds to the flower 

Stamen: 'It is the male reproductive part of a flower.

Carpel: It is the female reproductive part of a flower.

iv)    What is meant by First Aid?


First Aid:

First aid is temporary care given to a person who has got sudden illness or injury. 

v)    The astronauts have to face a lot of problems in space. Can you name some of those problems?


i. radiation     

ii. lack of gravity     

iii. disruption of senses 

iv. bone and muscle deterioration 

v. Health risks

vii) State the importance of classification.

Ans: Classification: The arrangement of organisms into different groups on the basis of similarities and differences is called classification. 

Importance of Classification: 

1. It provides us a good picture of all living things. 

2. It gives us information about t interrelationships among different organisms.

3. It helps to identify newly discovered organisms. 

viii) Which soil is useful for pottery? What are its properties?

Ans: Clay is used to plaster the village houses because this soil is small in size, soft, and sticky. It holds more water. It becomes hard when dry. The wet clay can be moulded into any shape.

ix) Why has the Government of Pakistan banned the use of polythene bags?

Ans: Because  polythene bags are  non-biodegradable and a major cause of pollution in the country. It becomes a threat to both the life of animals on land as well as on water.

x) How can directions be found by using a magnetic compass?

Ans: The directions can be found & when the magnetic compass is rotated slowly until the north pole of the needle is aligned with the north direction of the compass.

xi) What is rusting and what type of change is this?

The change that has occurred on the surface of iron is due to the action of oxygen and water and is called rusting. Due to this reaction, the colour of iron is changed. 

Iron + Oxygen + Water = Rusting 

It is a chemical change because a new substance iron oxide is formed. 

xii) Some animals like hares and rats raise their ears. When and why do they do that?

Ans: Some animals like hares and rats raise their ears;

1. to monitor the environment 

2. detect the enemy 

3. detect the source of the sound. 

xiii) Label the diagram of the Water Cycle.


Section -C (Marks – 30)

NOTE: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks (2x15=30)

Q. No.3

a) If you are given a longitudinal section of a maize seed, draw and label a diagram to show its internal structure. (5)

b) “All microorganisms are harmful and cause diseases”. Prove this statement wrong (5)

Ans: All microorganisms are not harmful. Some microorganisms are beneficial to us. 

1. Help in digestion: Bacteria live in the intestines of humans and animals help in the digestion of food. 

2. Help in plant growth: Microorganisms help the plant to absorb nutrients from the soil 

3. Help in decomposition: Microorganisms keep the atmosphere clean by decomposing dead animals and plants.

4. Making medicines: Many organisms are used for making medicines. Fungi and bacteria are used to make antibiotics.

c) Categorize the following organisms into five groups of invertebrates: (5)
Mosquito: _____Insect
Flatworm ______Worm
Sponge _______Sponges 
Oyster _________Mollusces 
Sea anemone ___Echinoderms 

Q. No. 4
a) A sample of soil is put in a jar, mixed with water, and left for two hours.
Based upon your observations after two hours answer the following: (5)

• Are there any layers of soil?

Ans: Yes, There are three layers in the jar.

• What is at the bottom of the jar?

Ans: A layer of sand and gravel is at the bottom of the jar. 

• What is the middle layer like?

Ans: The middle layer is a sticky soil suspended in water.

• What is floating on the surface of the water?

Ans: Dead vegetation matter is floating on the surface of the water.

• Which layer of soil do you think will be more fertile?

Ans: The middle layer of sticky soil will be more fertile.

b) What kind of experiments are conducted in the International space station that cannot be done on Earth? (5)


Following are some experiments conducted in the international space station:

i. Space mice

ii. Headless flatworms 

iii. ISS, Robot

iv. Ant Farm

v. The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation

vi. Cloud-Aerosol Transport Systems 

viii. Drug development using protein Crystals

ix.  Testing tissue chips in space

c) List out emergency procedures for a fire alert. (5)


i. We should be able to recognize the fire alarm. 

ii. On hearing the fire alarm, we should stop what we are doing. 

iii. Make a line behind the teacher and exit the building. 

iv. Stand outside away from the building/classroom. 

v. Ask the staff if you need help.

Q. No. 5
a) Identify the given objects as transparent, translucent, and opaque (5)
Tissue paper, window panes, doors, Soft drinks, Plastic bottles, iron sheets Plastic sheet

Transparent objects: window panes
Translucent objectsTissue paper, Soft drinks, Plastic bottles,
Opaque objectsdoors, iron sheets

Note: Beverages, Soft drinks, and Plastic bottles can be opaque, translucent, or transparent, and each form requires different instrumentation and techniques for successful color and appearance measurement.

b) Why formation of fertilizers from leaves is a chemical change? (5)

Ans. The formation of fertilizers from leaves is called Manures. 

Its formation is considered a chemical change because manure formed has a different composition of leaves. It is an organic matter used as a fertilizer in agriculture. It is prepared using green leaves and the process cannot be reversed. It is a chemical I change.

c) Two inflated balloons are suspended using a thread. Predict what will happen: (5)

(i) When balloons are brought closer by moving stands? Do they attract
or repel?

Ans: The balloons do not show any change by bringing them closer by moving stands in normal conditions. 

(ii) Rub each balloon with woolen cloth, now what will happen when they are brought closer?

Ans: Both the balloons repel each other. Because the balloons are rubbed with woolen cloth both of them acquire a negative charge due to which they repelled each other.

(iii) Rub one balloon with a woolen cloth and one with a plastic comb, how will they react now when moved closer?

Ans: Both the balloons attract each other. Because the balloons rubbed with woolen cloth acquire a negative charge while balloons that are rubbed with plastic comb will acquire a positive charge. Negative and e positive charges attract each other.

(iv)What inference do you draw from the activity?

Ans: Like charges repel each other. While unlike charges attract each other.



Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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