Class V - Social Studies (SSt) SLOs Based Solved Model Paper - For Centralized Annual Examination – 2024, FDE, Islamabad

Class V - Social Studies (SSt) SLOs Based Solved Model Paper - For Centralized Annual Examination – 2024, FDE, Islamabad



Q-1 (a) Mark the correct answer by using ( ✔) .                          (15)

1.  The tax on house, plot, or land ownership is called _______________.

... Answer is D. property tax

2.  ________ introduced paper money in 806BC.

... Answer is C. China

3. The lines of latitudes are ___________ in number.

... Answer is B. 180

4. Descriptive scale shows the distances on a map.

... Answer is C. through symbols

5.  Greek civilization flourished on the shores of _____________.

... Answer is B. the Mediterranean sea

6. What are Buddhist monasteries called

... Answer is A. Stupa

7. . General elections are held in Pakistan after ________ :

... Answer is D. 5 years

8. . A set of basic principles to govern a country is called _____________

... Answer is D. constitution

9. Latest means of communication

... Answer is C. social media

10. Mahiya is a folk song of ____________

... Answer is B. Punjab `

11. Begam Raana Liaquat Ali Khan served as a professor of Economics at the ________ university

... Answer is B. Delhi

12. The old name of Taxila was _________

... Answer is c. Takshashila

13. Buddhism originated in the Indian city of ______________

... Answer is C. Banaras

14.  Chiton was a _________piece of cloth

... Answer is C. rectangular

15. The Marathon originated in Greece by a man named _______________

... Answer is D. Phedippides

(b) Put (✔) in front of the correct statement and (X) in front of the incorrect statement. Also, correct the incorrect statement.     (10)

I) Inflation is the continuous increase in the prices of goods and services. 
CS: Inflation is the rate of increase in prices of goods and services over a given period of time
II) The name of Pakistan was suggested by Chaudhry Rehmat Ali. (✔)
III) K2 is the second-highest peak in Pakistan. 
CS: K2 is the tallest in Pakistan and the second-highest peak in the world.
IV) China, Pakistan, and India are the most populous countries in the world. 
V) Punjab was the first province to join Pakistan. 
CS: Sindh was the first province to join Pakistan
VI) The Internet is the fastest means of communication. (✔)
VII) The System of Monarchy is enforced in Pakistan. (X)
CS: The Federal Parliamentary System is enforced in Pakistan
VIII) Pakistan’s largest salt mine is located in Karachi. (X)
CS: Pakistan’s largest salt mine is located in Khewra.
IX) Ajrak is the part of Sindhi dress. (✔)
X) Human rights are not equal for all human beings. 
CS: Human rights are equal for all human beings.

(c) Match the Column.                                 (5)

Column A

Column B

Column C

In case of mistake

66.5 north to equator



are people who buy goods and services

city of ancient Greece

Tropic of cancer


23.5 north of equator

Arctic Circle

23.5 north of equator

66.5 north to equator


city of ancient Greece

are people who buy goods and services

Is somebody who runs  the business for profit

(d) Label the Provinces on the given map of Pakistan.             (5)

(e) With reference to the new political map of Pakistan answer the following question. (5)

i) Which is the longest borderline of Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan shares its longest borderline with India by including the border of control line according to the new map by including the border of control line, while according to the old map Pakistan shares the longest border with Afghanistan.
ii) What lies toward the south of Pakistan?
Ans: the Arabian Sea lies toward the south of Pakistan.
iii) What does the red dotted line represent in the new political map of Pakistan?
Ans: The red dotted line represents the line of control in Jammu & Kashmir. 
iv) What is meant by Frontier Undefined?
Ans: Frontier Undefined is an administrative boundary separating Azad and Jammu and Kashmir.
v) Which area is identified as a disputed region in the new political map?
Ans:  A disputed region in the new political map of Pakistan is Jammu and Kashmir

Social Study
SECTION-B (Subjective) (30 Marks)

Time Allowed: 2 Hours

Q-2 Draw the flow chart of the Physical Features of Pakistan. (10)


Q-3 Draw the mind map of Cultural Festivals of Pakistan (05)


Q-4 Write short answers to the following questions. Attempt any five. (5x3=15)

i. Define citizenship.

Ans: Citizenship is the legal status of a citizen or a person living in a particular country. 

ii. What is meant by culture?

Ans: The Social interactions, customs, Religion, language, and ways of life of the people of a certain place are called the culture.

iii. Which languages are spoken in Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir?

Ans: Balti, Sheena, Baroshaski, Wakhi, and various Other languages are spoken in Gilgit-Baltistan. In Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmiri and different dialects are spoken.

iv. Name the modern means of communication.

Ans: Means of communication refers to the ways we use to convey messages, information, and news to others.

v. Why the federal government is necessary?

Ans. The Federal Government is necessary because: 

 It is the central Government that governs The entire country.

 It plays an important role in the formation of government in all the provinces of Pakistan.

 This government also looks after the country's economy, defense, and foreign and other National affairs.

It represents the country on the world forum and formulates foreign policies.

vi. Why do you think the trend of carrying money in pocket is reducing?

Ans. The current period is the digital age. People can easily transfer their money electronically to others through easy money or computers, so the habit of carrying more money in their pocket is reduced. 

vii. What do you understand by small-scale business entrepreneurship?

Ans. A small-scale business is a business in which the trader is the sole owner of his business and is responsible for his profit and loss. 

viii. How is population density determined?

Ans: Dividing the total population by the total area can determine the population density. 

 Population Density = Total Population / Total Area

Section -C (Marks – 30)

Q-5) Give detailed answers to the following questions. Attempt any four questions. (4x5=20)

i. What are the ways to establish peace? Express your views on it.

Ans. We can establish peace in all society by following these ways such as: 

i. Always treat others with kindness and compassion

ii. Despite the disagreement, respect the opinions and ideas of others.

iii. Resolve the issue by apologizing in case of a mistake. 

iv. Never violate the rights of people.

ii. What do you like about the cultures of other provinces and regions and Why?

Ans. I like the languages, clothes, food, festivals and Arts, Handicrafts, Folk songs, and Dances of other provinces because these characteristics of all cultural groups in Pakistan have a specific lifestyle and are combined to bring about significant changes in customs, culture, and lifestyles overall.

iii. Give examples of types of means of communication that provide widespread information?

Ans. There are many ways to communicate such as:

Mass Media:- Mass Media is used to spread information or news to a large number of people such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio internet, etc. 

Social Media:- Social Media is the latest form of communication. It refers to applications and other online means of communication that help to establish social connections between large numbers of people. These applications include Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, Blogs, etc. 

iv. Explains the functions of political parties.

Ans. The functions of political parties are:

i. It works according to the manifesto. 

ii. They bring people together on one platform by creating political awareness among the people.

iii. Participate in elections and solve people's problems after being elected.

iv. After forming the government, they work for the welfare of the country and the nation.

v. Represent the country internationally

v. What do you know about Roman architecture?

Ans: Roman architecture is characterized by its use of arches, vaults, and domes, as well as techniques like concrete construction. Influenced by Greek architecture, Romans developed their own distinct style, seen in structures like the Colosseum, Pantheon, and aqueducts. 

vi. Compare the lives of people living in mountainous areas with those living in desert areas?


Lives of People of Desert Areas:

Pakistan's desert region is very hot. Due to a lack of water, farming is not possible here. People live here like nomads and they depend on embroidery handicrafts and their domestic animals for their livelihood.

Lives of People of  Mountainous Areas:

The winters in the mountains are very cold and often snowy. In winter, the people of this area wear thick woolen clothes to protect themselves from the cold. Summer is mild. Cattle rearing is an important occupation of the people here. In addition,  tourism is also a source of income. Farming is practiced by people living in the valleys.

Q-6) Write short /to the point answers. (Any FIVE). (5X2=10)

i) Write the names of important deserts of Pakistan?

Ans: Thal, Thar, Cholistan, Kharan, Nara

ii) Which tool is used to measure temperature? Draw its picture

Ans: A thermometer is used to measure temperature

iii) What is meant by census?

Ans:  It is an official count or survey, especially of a population.

iv) What does the word civilization mean?

Ans: Civilization means the quality of excellence in thoughts, manners, and taste.

v) What is the difference between Democracy and Monarchy?


Democracy is a system of government of people for the people. 

Monarchy is a system of government country is ruled by a King. 

vi) What do you buy with your own pocket money?

Ans: I often used my pocket money to buy Food items, School stationery, Toys, etc

vii) Which means did people use to communicate in ancient times?

Ans: Birds and animals were used to communicate in ancient times.



Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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