Class V - English SLOs Based Solved Model Paper - For Centralized Annual Examination – 2024, FDE, Islamabad

Class V - English SLOs Based Solved Model Paper - For Centralized Annual Examination – 2024, FDE, Islamabad


Section - A  (Marks 20)

Q.1. Read the given statements carefully and do as directed.

a. Rewrite the given sentence using the correct plural form of the underlined nouns.

        The cat is chasing the mouse.
Ans.  The cats are chasing the mice.

b. Fill in the missing letters.

i. C e rtif i ed
ii. Re f uge e s.

c. Make contractions by using apostrophes correctly.

i.  cannot               can't     
ii. they will          

d. Make an anagram of the given words.

i. heart                 earth     
ii. thing           

e. Give degrees of adjectives for the following

Positive              comparative             Superlative   
i. Happy          
    happier                    happiest      
ii. Painful        
    more painful            most Painful     

f. Fill in the correct prepositions

i. He is walking  on / along the road.

ii. Meet me in the park  at  4 o’clock.

g. Give antonyms

i. Cheer 
ii. Pretty

h. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs.

i. I did not   get   my parcel today. (got/get)

The crowd is   blowing  the horns. (blown/blowing)

i. Fill in the blanks with correct homophones.

i.   One  of my school teams   won   the cricket match. (won/one)

ii. Am
 I   allowed   to read the given text   aloud   ?  (allowed/aloud)

j. Punctuate the following sentences.

i.   Karakoram road is also known as the silk road.
    Karakoram Road is also known as the Silk Road.

ii.  do you know who broke the glass
    Do you know who broke the glass?

ENGLISH (Objective)
Section B (Marks -20)

Q.2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given in its end.

We use money to pay for things that we want to buy. This money comes in form of notes and coins. But in the past it was not so. In early times, there were no notes and coins and people used to exchange things for things. First coins ever used were made of stones which later on changed into leather, shells, and such items which were easily available. Then came the money made of metal. In most countries, coins were made from metals like gold, silver, bronze etc. Metal money was very heavy and difficult to carry around so paper money was introduced. Paper money is the currency notes that we use today. It is not heavy and can be carried around easily. However, coins are also used still.

1. Answer the following questions.                              (2+2+2=6)

a. Why do we need money?

Ans: We need money to buy things.

b. What was the problem with metal money?

Ans: Metal money was very heavy and difficult to carry around.

c. What is paper money?

Ans: Paper money is the currency notes that we use today.

2. Do as directed in the brackets of each sentence.         (6)

a. In early times, people used to exchange things for things. (Fill in the blank)

b. In metal money, coins were made of (stone/bronze✔). (Tick the correct option)

c. Metal money was easy to carry around. (True or False

d. Coins were made by metals like gold and silver. (Underline the proper noun)

e. Paper money is the currency notes that we use. (Change into past tense
Ans: Paper money was the currency notes that we used.

f. Paper money is not heavy and can be carried around easily. (Underline the conjunction)

3. Enlist the main types of money as given in the passage.         (3)
i) Metal money ii) Paper money iii) Leather or Shells coins

4. Imagine you were living on an island in the past, what possible ways you could use to buy things? What type of money would you make on your island? (5)

If I were on an island in the past. I used to barter and buy things. If I were able to make coins, I would definitely make leather and shell coins like those used in the past.

ENGLISH (Subjective)
Section C (Marks - 60)
Time Allowed: 2:00 hours

Q.3 Make sentences of the given words. (Any five)

Patience, Strength, Speechless, Quarrel, Advice, Prevent, Fascinating, Sacrifice (5)




She has no patience to do this difficult task.


Union is strength.


He was speechless for a long moment.


I don't want to quarrel with you. 


She gave us a piece of advice. 


Healthy food prevents us from getting weak. 


She is a fascinating lady.


A soldier is always ready to sacrifice his life for his country.

Q.4 Give suitable meanings of the following words. (Any five) (5)

Crept, Expect, Drag, Escape, Spark, Mope, Memorise, Care




moved quickly






run away 


a small flash of light. 




learn by heart


look after

Q.5 Answer these questions. (Any five)          (3x5=15)

i) When do Muslims celebrate Eid –ul- Azha?

Ans: Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Azha on the 10th Zul-Haji every year.

ii) What things did Raffay want to buy with the money?

Ans: He wanted to buy sweets, toys, and chocolates with
the money.

iii) Why did the frog tie his foot to the mouse’s feet?

Ans: The frog tied the mouse's foot to take him to the underwater world so that he could see that and enjoy it there.

iv) Why is education important for our country?

Ans: Education is important for any country because education brings progress in a country by making its people skillful and strong. 

v) What was wrong with the parcel?

Ans: The parcel had other than the ordered books in it.

vi) Why are Markhors endangered?

Ans: They are endangered because of their meat and horn. Hunters eat their meat and horns are used as medicine and trophies.

vii) What is the role of Ruth Pfau in controlling Leprosy in Pakistan?

Ans: Dr. Ruth Pfau was a German doctor. She devoted her life to fighting against leprosy in Pakistan. She set up 150 leprosy clinics in various parts of Pakistan. Due to her efforts, leprosy came under control in 1996.

viii) How did the people of Taif treat Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم)?

Ans: They rejected his message and mocked him. A mob pelted him with pebbles and injured him.

Q.6 Write the central idea of the poem “Oh Allah ! Love Me”. (5)

Ans:  The central idea of this poem is Allah's love for human beings. The poetess Fatima Mehru says that Allah's presence can be felt through his blessings e.g. stars, trees, birds, etc. Only Allah helps and cares for human beings in happy and sad moments. She prays for more love of Allah to enlighten her soul.

Q.7 Develop a mind map about some “Memorable incident of kindness”.


Q.8. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend a holiday with you. (10)


Write a Paragraph on any one of the given topics:
“How to save money” OR “Importance of natural environment”


A letter to my friend inviting him to spend a holiday with me


Name: -------------,
House No: -------------,
Street No: -------------,
Sector: -------------,
City: A-B-C.

Name: -------------,
House No: -------------,
Street No: -------------,
Sector: -------------,
City: A-B-C.

Dated: 12/12/2023

Dear friend,


Our School has closed for Summer vacations today. I wish that you may spend these holidays with me. We shall study and play together. I hope your father will allow you. He is a good friend of my father. Waiting for your reply!

Pay my regards to your parents. 

                                                            Your friend,


Short Paragraph on

How to save money:

Saving money involves adopting conscious and disciplined financial habits. Start by creating a budget that outlines your income and expenses, identifying areas where you can cut back. Prioritize needs over wants and allocate a portion of your income to savings before spending on non-essential items. Take advantage of discounts, coupons, and sales when making purchases, and consider buying generic brands to save on essentials. Additionally, explore ways to increase your income, such as pursuing additional skills or part-time work. Set specific savings goals and regularly review your progress, adjusting your budget as needed. Establish an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and avoid relying on credit for such situations. Finally, invest in long-term financial stability by contributing to retirement accounts or other investment options. Cultivating a mindset of frugality and making informed financial decisions can lead to significant savings over time.


 Paragraph on

Importance of natural environment:

The natural environment is of paramount importance as it sustains all life on Earth and provides essential resources for human well-being. Biodiversity, from plants to animals, contributes to ecosystem stability and resilience, ensuring that ecosystems can adapt to changes over time. Clean air and water, both products of natural processes, are fundamental for human health. Natural environments also offer recreational opportunities, promoting physical and mental well-being. Moreover, they play a crucial role in climate regulation, absorbing carbon dioxide and helping mitigate the impacts of climate change. Conservation and sustainable management of the natural environment are imperative for current and future generations to thrive, emphasizing the need for responsible environmental stewardship.

Q.9. Develop a story with a moral from the given outline. Also, suggest a title. (10)

A fox------ hungry------garden----- bunch of grapes-----jumped ---------again and again---- tired-----went away ----- Moral


Once there was a fox. He was very hungry. He wandered here and there in search of food. He went to a garden. He saw a bunch of grapes there. He wanted to eat them. He jumped again and again. He could not reach them. He was tired. So, he went away saying "The grapes are sour." 

Moral: The grapes are sour.


Write a dialogue between two friends about endangered animals.


Dialogue: Between two friends discussing endangered animals. 

Both friends Saleem and Akhtar met each other at Saleem’s home. They discussed a documentary on endangered animals played on National Geographic yesterday.

Akhtar: (Excitedly) Hey, did you hear about the documentary on endangered animals yesterday?

Saleem: Yeah, it was eye-opening. The situation is worse than I thought.

AkhtarAbsolutely. I had no idea so many species are at risk of extinction.

SaleemIt's heartbreaking. What can we do to help?

AkhtarWell, spreading awareness is a start. Supporting organizations that work to protect endangered species is crucial too.

SaleemTrue. And I read that making sustainable choices in our daily lives can make a difference.

Akhtar: Like using eco-friendly products and supporting businesses that prioritize conservation efforts.

Saleem: Exactly. It's not just a problem for the animals; it's about the balance of our entire ecosystem.

Akhtar: We need to be more responsible, for the sake of the planet and all the incredible creatures we share it with.

Saleem: Agreed. Let's do what we can and encourage others to join the cause. Every small action counts.

Q.10. Describe the picture with the help of the given word bank. Also, suggest a title. (5)

A Park

This is a picture of a Park. It is full of greenery. There is a small fountain near a big tree and there are two ducks swimming in it. We can see some clouds and a blue sky also. Some children are flying kites in the sky. One boy is riding a bicycle and the other is playing with a balloon. One woman is walking with a baby in a carry cart. We see some animals in the pictures. There are many flowers and trees in it.  All the people in the park look very happy. 



Shortcut Links For:

1.  5th Class: English Notes

2.  5th Class: Social Study (S.St.) Notes

3.  5th Class: General Science (G.Sc.) Notes

4.  5th Class: Urdu (اُردو) Notes

5.  5th Class: Islamiyat (اسلامیات) Notes

6.  5th Class: Mathematics Notes

7.  Easy English Grammar Notes

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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