11th Class (HSSC-I) Computer Science Notes:- Unit-1 "Introduction to Computers" Short Questions and Answers (Q31 to Q40)

11th Class (HSSC-I) Computer Science Notes:- Unit-1 "Introduction to Computers" Short Questions and Answers (Q31 to Q40)

Class 11 Computer Science (SLO BasedNotes 
For the Examination 2024 and onwards under the 
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), Islamabad, Punjab Boards, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi board, etc., and All other boards in Pakistan and abroad. 


"Introduction to Computers"



1.  Short Response Questions and Answers:

Q31. What is Open source software? Write some examples.



  • It is available free for a limited time period called a trial period.
  • After the trial period expires user has to purchase the software.
  • The trial version may have limited features or it stops working after it expires.
Examples: antivirus etc.

Q32. What is Freeware? Write some examples.



  • It is available free with full features for unlimited time.
  • It may have some restrictions like personal or educational use.
Examples: Browsers, SKYPE, games, Viber, etc

Q33. What is Firmware? Write some examples.



  • The intermediate form between hardware and software
  • Software embedded in devices during manufacturing.
  • Programs stored in it do not need to be changed.
  • Data is not lost used power is off.
Examples: toys, appliances, ROM, etc.

Q34. What is Internet Application Security?


Internet Application Security:

  • Prevention against threats to internet applications.
  • Threats may include malware attacks, data stealing, modification, or deletion by hackers.
  • Security measures include firewall, anti-virus, spyware removal, and encryption/decryption.

Q35. What is Computer Hardware? 


Computer Hardware:

Physical components that can be seen and touched. It Included input devices, output devices, memory, processing, storage, etc.

Q36. What are input devices? give some examples.


input devices

Input devices provide data and instructions to the computer. It accepts data in human-readable form and converts it into machine-readable form.

Examples: keyboard, mouse, microphone, etc.

Q37. What are the functions of the keyboard?



  • It is used to input data in the form of text.
  • A keyboard has keys or buttons on it.
  • It converts keys pressed to electric signals in digital form.
  • It has alphabet keys, numeric keys, function keys, and special keys.
  • Pointing Input Devices.
  • Used to control the movement of the cursor on the screen.

Q38. What are the functions of the mouse? Write its types.



  • It is the most common pointing device.
  • It detects motion on a surface and translates it into the motion of the pointer on the screen.
  • Mouse Types: Mechanical mouse (having a ball rolling ), optical mouse (having optical sensors), wireless mouse, etc.
  • It can perform an operation such as selection, moving objects, opening files, etc. by clicking, dragging, etc.

Q39. What are the functions of the trackball?



  • It has a ball on top that is rolled with fingers.
  • It is stationary on the surface.
  • Also has buttons like a mouse performing similar operations.

Q40. What are the functions of the Joystick?



  • It is used for playing games.
  • It has a stick and buttons on it.
  • The movement of objects on the screen is controlled by tilting the stick.


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Unit-1 (Important Short Q/A)



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