Spending Time During COVID-19 Lockdown (Short Paragraph No. 2) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Spending Time During COVID-19 Lockdown (Short Paragraph No. 2) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Short Paragraph No. 2.

Spending Time During Covid-19 Lockdown:

During the COVID-19 lockdown period, most of the time we stayed inside our homes. I spent much of my time with my family. We played indoor games and enjoyed ourselves a lot. I also learned to cook some dishes as I used to help my mother in the kitchen. I also helped her with other household chores. Moreover, I learned many things from the internet. I learned to draw and colour. I love colouring and drawing. I also did my schoolwork. I also planted many plants in my small garden. Gardening is such a fun and enjoyable activity. It kept us physically active and mentally relaxed. I planted sunflowers, roses, and lilies in my garden. I love plants and flowers. I spent this time learning and enjoying.


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