Spending Time During COVID-19 Lockdown (Short Paragraph No. 1) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Spending Time During COVID-19 Lockdown (Short Paragraph No. 1) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Short Paragraph No. 1.

Spending Time During Covid-19 Lockdown:

A lockdown is a period of time when all have to stay at home. Generally, a lockdown is imposed in case of a pandemic, war, or nuclear disaster. During this period everything remains closed except a few essential services, e.g. hospital grocery stores, medical stores, etc. During the pandemic covid-19, I also spent a period of lockdown. During this period, I used to read story books, and play indoor games eg. Ludo, carom, etc. I also watched T.V. and attended online classes also. These classes were arranged by our school. I felt very happy and joyful to stay with my family for such a long time. Besides all this, I missed the company of my class fellows. I thanked God for restarting our school and ending of lockdown.


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