Good Qualities of a student (Paragraph No. 2) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Good Qualities of a student (Paragraph No. 2) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Paragraph No. 2.

Good Qualities of a Student:

A good student is one who loves his studies and does justice to his work. He always keeps in mind the respect of the books, teachers, and fellow students. Three of the most important qualities the student should possess are maintaining good grades, having excellent behavior, and managing time wisely. A good student always sits in class attentively and listens to his teachers carefully. A good student always tries to apply his learning and studies to the world around him. He is not prejudiced and jealous in intellectual matters. He does not take shortcuts towards his task. He tries to prepare himself for future challenges. A good student is always disciplined and follows the standard of conduct. He is conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He maintains good health and a sound mind. He knows the value of time and does not waste it. He never tells a lie and does not betray anyone. Such students are an asset to society and to the nation as well.


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