Good Qualities of a student (Short Paragraph No. 3) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Good Qualities of a student (Short Paragraph No. 3) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Paragraph No. 3

Good Qualities of a Student:

The life of a student is full of struggle. However, some qualities of a student can make his life easier and successful. The first quality of a good student is punctuality. He values time and manages all his activities on time. A Good student loves studies. He gives respect to books, teachers, and his fellow students. A good student is always disciplined. He is always tidy and keeps his belongings well-managed. A good student also has excellent behaviour with all. He is always conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He never tells a lie. A good student believes in hard work and never uses shortcuts for success. A good student uses his free time in useful activities. He remains ready to help others. Such students are an asset to a nation and society.


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