A Disappointing Incident of My Life (Short Paragraph No. 1) ---- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

A Disappointing Incident of My Life (Short Paragraph No. 1) ---- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Short Paragraph No. 1.

A Disappointing Incident in My Life:

Life is a combination of joy and sorrow. Some incidents leave a long-lasting impact on the mind. Such an incident had kept me disappointed for months. It was the sudden murder of my friend Saleem. His forefathers had long-term enmity. The opponents killed him when Saleem was going to a market. He was my close friend. Seeing his dead body. I was shocked. I accepted the bitter reality of mortality. At that time I decided to leave everything. Life seemed to me very temporary and useless. Death is the ultimate reality. I was so disappointed that I stopped going to school. Then with the passage of time and the efforts of my parents, I started returning to normal life but took months to shed the impacts of that incident. That incident is still present in my mind and perhaps will never be forgotten.


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