An application to the Principal for School Leaving Certificate - Application writing in English

An application to the Principal for School Leaving Certificate - Application writing in English

Application writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Writing an application to the Principal for School Leaving Certificate:

The Principal.
College A·B.C, 

Subject: Request for Issuing School Leaving Certificate.

Respected Madam/Sir,

With due respect, I beg to say that I am a student of class VIII in this college. Recently my father has been transferred to the Multan office. All of our family members will move on the 30th of this month to Multan. I can't stay here alone. 

Moreover, there is no hostel facility in your college. It was my dream to complete my education in this reputed institution but I cannot. I have to go to Multan. Kindly grant me a School Leaving Certificate to continue my studies in Multan.


Dated: 27th December 2023.

Yours Truly,


Class: 8th
24th May 2023



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