An application to the Principal for the remission of the fine - Application writing in English

An application to the Principal for the remission of the fine - Application writing in English

Application writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Writing an application to the Principal for the remission of the fine:

The Principal.
Collège A·B.C, 

Subject: Request for remission of fine.

Respected Madam/Sir,

With due respect, I beg to say that I am a student of class VIII in this college. I wasn't able to pay my last fee installment due to the reason that my father was out of the station for some official work. Now I have received a fine notice of Rs. 2000. I can't pay that because I can't afford it.

Kindly accept my request for the cancellation of the fine and receive my actual fee. I assure you this will not happen again.


Dated: 27th December 2023

                Yours Truly,
Class: 8th



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