The Ant and the Grasshopper -- Story Writing in English - High School Standard

The Ant and the Grasshopper -- Story Writing in English - High School Standard

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time, in a sunny meadow, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was diligent and hardworking, while the grasshopper was carefree and loved to sing and play his fiddle all day long.

As summer approached, the ant began to gather and store grains of wheat. He toiled (محنت) day and night, carrying the heavy grains to his underground home. The grasshopper, on the other hand, continued to sing and dance, not a care in the world for the future.

One warm autumn day, as the ant was busy storing the last of his grain, the grasshopper approached him, curious about his hard work.

"Why do you work so hard, dear ant?" asked the grasshopper. "Come and enjoy the sunshine with me. There's plenty of time to relax and enjoy life."

The ant, who had been working tirelessly, looked at the grasshopper and replied, "I work hard now to prepare for the winter. When the cold winds blow and the ground is covered in snow, I will have plenty of food to eat. But what about you, Grasshopper? What will you eat when winter comes?"

The grasshopper thought for a moment and then realized his mistake. He had been so focused on enjoying the present that he had not thought about the future. He felt ashamed of his laziness.

Winter arrived, and with it came the bitter cold. The ant was warm and well-fed in his cozy underground home, while the grasshopper shivered in the snow, hungry and regretful.

As he watched the ant, the grasshopper learned a valuable lesson about the importance of hard work and planning for the future. From that day on, he vowed to be more like the ant, working diligently when necessary and enjoying life in moderation.

And so, the ant and the grasshopper each lived out their days, with the ant continuing to work hard and the grasshopper learning to balance work and play, thanks to the lesson of that fateful winter.


Hard work and preparation are essential for a secure and comfortable future. It's a timeless lesson about the importance of planning and not neglecting responsibilities for the sake of immediate pleasures.


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