Celebrating a religious festival (Dialogue No. 3): -- Dialogue writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Celebrating a religious festival (Dialogue No. 3): -- Dialogue writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Q. Write a dialogue between two students or friends about celebrating a religious festival:


Dialogue No. 3: Between friends or Students about celebrating religious festivals. 

SanaHi Sara. how are you? 

SaraI am not fine. I am unhappy.

SanaBut why?

SaraMy mom is not buying me a new dress on Eid.


SaraShe says she has no money to buy me a dress.

SanaThen why are you sad?

SaraWhat will I wear on Eid Day? How will I celebrate Eid? I am sad.

Sana: Sara Eids are our religious festival. We must wear clean clothes but the new dress is not necessary. Eid prayer is necessary sharing and meeting with relatives is necessary. Our holy prophet used to celebrate Eids in old but clean clothes. So, you need not worry.

Sarahmm ....

SanaAnd remember that poor people do not get on a new dress every Eid.

SaraYou are right. I was mistaking. Thank you.

Sana Welcome and be happy now.


Dialogues in English about Celebrating a religious festival  ðŸ‘‡:



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