Class 8 General Science Notes: - Unit-3: VARIATIONS, HEREDITY AND CELL DIVISION ( Solved Exercise MCQs)

Class 8 General Science Notes: - Unit-3: VARIATIONS, HEREDITY AND CELL DIVISION ( Solved Exercise MCQs)

(National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on National Curriculum Pakistan 2023-2024 and Onwards)

(Class 8 General Science Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023-2024 and onward, FDE, Islamabad)

A. MCQs (Choose the Correct Answers).

1. Which of the following is a continuous variation in humans?

... Answer is c. Intelligence.

2. The chromosomes are chemically composed of

... Answer is b. DNA and proteins.

3. The analysis of a DNA molecule shows 30% adenine nucleotide. The amount of guanine nucleotide in this molecule will be

... Answer is b. 20%.

4. Which of the following is not the component of a nucleotide?

... Answer is a. Gene.

5. Which of the following makes a difference between meiosis from mitosis?

... Answer is a. the appearance of chromosomes in prophase.

6. For each biological trait there is a:

... Answer is d. Gene.

7. All of the following involve mitosis EXCEPT. 

... Answer is a. gamete formation.

8. In the constantly changing environment, the survival of species depends on

... Answer is c. more variations

9. A gamete of a pea plant has seven chromosomes. What will be the number of chromosomes in each cell of the adult plant if it is a diploid organism?

... Answer is b.  14

The pairing of chromosomes takes place during

... Answer is b. prophase I of meiosis..


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1.  5th Class All Subjects Notes

2.  8th Class All Subjects Notes

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2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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