Relief – aid in Earthquake --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Relief – aid in Earthquake --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Relief – aid in earthquake

Paragraph 1: Details: when, how strong, and where the earthquake -----
Paragraph 2: What I witnessed in the affected area ------
Paragraph 3: My contribution: Nursing ------------

The Great Kashmir Earthquake of October 2005 shocked the nation and left me traumatized. Disaster struck at 08:50 on October 8th2005, just as my family and I were observing the fasting of Ramadan. The magnitude of the earthquake measured on the Richter scale was 7.5 but the magnitude of its destruction was almost beyond imagining struck Pakistan causing massive destruction. It killed more than 75,000 people, injuring another 80,000 and leaving over 2.5 million people homeless. 

Concern Pakistan immediately deployed an emergency relief team to Azad Jammu, Kashmir, and North West Frontier Province in response to the disaster. I was part of the relief team in Muzaffabad.  I realized that the destruction was far worse than what the media conveyed. I witnessed dead bodies lying around on piles of rubble, with blood gushing out from their body parts. At first, the sight made me nauseated and I vomited. Looking around, I observed horrific sights: family members crying hysterically over a dead loved one, others pleading with the volunteers to help them locate their dear ones in the rubble and pull them out of the pit of darkness into life.

However, I realized that I was not here to be a nuisance but rather a helping hand. Besides, groups of volunteers including young girls were already working in the area, which motivated me to be of use. Young men were pulling out bodies from beneath the rubble and tending to their wounds. Since I have a major in nursing, I turned to the wounded ones and sanitized and bandaged their wounds. No matter what the magnitude of the disaster may be, if there are helping hands to mitigate the suffering of others, its effects could be curbed


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