Effects of Poverty on Human life --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Effects of Poverty on Human life --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Poverty and its Effects on Human life


Effects of Poverty on Human life

Poverty can be defined as the condition where the basic needs of a family like food, shelter, clothing, and education are not fulfilled. The word 'Poverty' is derived from the Latin word pauper which means poor. It is the condition in which many people around us do not have access to basic human needs. Pakistan is home to almost 220 million people and according to the report, 65.5 percent population of our country earns less than 500-600 rupees per day. Which clearly shows that the majority live below the poverty line. It can be seen that many people that are malnourished, they drop out of their kids from school because they cannot afford to pay the fees due to which they are forced to work as child labour with minimum earnings. poverty affects human life as it can cause many social problems like theft, bribery, corruption, lawlessness, injustice, etc. It is seen that many people in Pakistan dying and suffering because of poverty. It is the responsibility of the state to fulfill the basic needs of its people so that a healthy and balanced society can flourish.


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