Bullying (غنڈہ گردی) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Bullying (غنڈہ گردی) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Bullying (غنڈہ گردی)

What is it.......... ? Who is affected…........? depression and anxiety in the bullied kids….......... violent behavior of bullies in other walks of life..........…measures adopted by schools to curb it.

Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior towards schoolfellows, which can affect everyone. those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health issues. Kids who experience bullying suffer from depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood. Kids and others can also engage in violent and other risky behaviors into adulthood. Hence, for both the bully and the bullied the effects of bullying can be permanent and life-long. Some of the measures that schools can apply to prevent bullying are by building a positive environment by advancing emotional and social learning, constant counseling of both the bully and the bullied, and creating opportunities for connection.


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