Climate Change (Short Paragraph No. 2) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Climate Change (Short Paragraph No. 2) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Paragraph No. 2.

Climate change:

Climate change refers to the adverse change in the environment and its impact on the living organisms on Earth. The climate of the Earth has become warmer over the last twenty years. Deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels, season shift, and human activities are the most important reasons for global warming which cause a variation in the climate. The result of Climate Change is not soothing. It consists of increased temperature, melting of glaciers, intense rainfall, and frequent forest fires. Deforestation and pollution are also affecting the climate. Due to climate change, we are also losing freshwater resources. We need to bring these changes under control to save our planet Earth and the living world.


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Short Note/Paragraphs/Essays on Climate Change in English  ðŸ‘‡:



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