A Memorable Incident of My Life (Short Paragraph No. 1) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

A Memorable Incident of My Life (Short Paragraph No. 1) --- Short Note/Paragraph/Essay in English

Short Paragraph No. 1

A Memorable Incident of My Life:

Everyone has some good or bad incidents in life. Some became memorable because of their deep impacts on the mind. I also have a memorable incident in my life. I was in class four when our college conducted an Inter-House Quiz competition. All the required participants were selected. They prepared well for the competition. On the day of the competition, one of the participants had some family problems and did not come to college. I was selected at his place on an urgent basis. Luckily, I had sufficient knowledge about the given topics and I did very well. At the end of the competition, I came to know that our house had won the competition. The teacher particularly appreciated my knowledge and participation. I was awarded a special prize of cash money. I felt very proud. It was a memorable incident in my life.


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