Dialogue between two friends about endangered animals -- Dialogue writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Dialogue between two friends about endangered animals -- Dialogue writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Q- Write a dialogue between two friends about endangered animals.


Dialogue: Between two friends discussing endangered animals. 

Both friends Saleem and Akhtar met each other at Saleem’s home. They discussed a documentary on endangered animals played on National Geographic yesterday.

Akhtar: (Excitedly) Hey, did you hear about the documentary on endangered animals yesterday?

Saleem: Yeah, it was eye-opening. The situation is worse than I thought.

AkhtarAbsolutely. I had no idea so many species are at risk of extinction.

SaleemIt's heartbreaking. What can we do to help?

AkhtarWell, spreading awareness is a start. Supporting organizations that work to protect endangered species is crucial too.

SaleemTrue. And I read that making sustainable choices in our daily lives can make a difference.

Akhtar: Like using eco-friendly products and supporting businesses that prioritize conservation efforts.

Saleem: Exactly. It's not just a problem for the animals; it's about the balance of our entire ecosystem.

Akhtar: We need to be more responsible, for the sake of the planet and all the incredible creatures we share it with.

Saleem: Agreed. Let's do what we can and encourage others to join the cause. Every small action counts.



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