Thirsty Crow -- Story Writing in English - High School Standard

Thirsty Crow -- Story Writing in English - High School Standard

Thirsty Crow

Once upon a scorching (Extremely Hot) summer day, a thirsty crow flew all over the countryside in search of water. After a long and exhausting journey, the crow finally spotted a jug in a farmer's field. Eager to quench its thirst, the crow quickly flew down to the jug.

To its disappointment, the jug contained very little water, and the crow's beak couldn't reach the water at the bottom. The crow was desperate to drink but couldn't figure out how to access the water.

After some contemplation, the clever crow had an idea. It began picking up small pebbles from the ground and dropping them into the jug one by one. With each pebble added, the water level rose slightly. The crow continued this process until the water level was high enough for it to drink comfortably.

The crow had successfully quenched its thirst through its innovative thinking and perseverance. It flew away happily, having learned that intelligence and resourcefulness could overcome even the most challenging situations.


i) Intelligence and creative thinking can help you solve problems, no matter how difficult they may seem. This timeless fable encourages us to use our wits and not give up when faced with obstacles.

ii) God helps those who help themselves.

iii) Necessity is the mother of invention.


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