The Horse and the Donkey -- Story Writing in English - High School Standard

The Horse and the Donkey -- Story Writing in English - High School Standard

The Horse and the Donkey

Once upon a time, in a quiet village, there lived a horse and a donkey. The horse was strong, sleek, and handsome, while the donkey was small, humble, and not as attractive. The horse often bragged about his beauty and strength, looking down upon the donkey.

One day, a merchant arrived in the village and needed to transport a heavy load of goods to the market. He approached the owner of the horse and the donkey and asked to borrow the horse for the job, offering a good sum of money in return.

The owner agreed, and the horse was taken to carry the merchant's heavy load. The donkey watched as the horse left, and he couldn't help but feel a bit envious. He wished he could also have the opportunity to do such a prestigious and important job.

However, as the day wore on, the sun beat down relentlessly, and the load on the horse became heavier and heavier. The horse struggled, sweated profusely, and was utterly exhausted by the time he returned to the village.

When the donkey saw the horse in this condition, he asked him about his day. The horse, still panting and tired, complained about the heavy load, the harsh weather, and how difficult it had been.

The donkey, not understanding the horse's struggles, thought that carrying such a load must be easy and that the horse was simply complaining. Feeling envious of the horse's supposed prestige, the donkey asked his owner to lend him for a similar task the next day.

The owner agreed, and the donkey was taken to the merchant's goods. However, the donkey, not being as strong as the horse, struggled greatly with the heavy load. He stumbled, fell, and couldn't keep up the pace. The merchant scolded him and even beat him for his incompetence.

By the time the donkey returned to the village, he was bruised, tired, and utterly miserable. The horse, who had watched the donkey's ordeal, couldn't help but smile. He realized that the grass isn't always greener on the other side and that it's important to understand the challenges others face before making assumptions.

The moral of the story is that we should not judge others based on appearances or make assumptions about their lives. It's important to empathize and understand the difficulties others may be facing before jumping to conclusions or feeling envious of their circumstances.


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