A Lion and a Mouse (Story No. 3) -- Story writing in English - Primary to High School standard

A Lion and a Mouse (Story No. 3) -- Story writing in English - Primary to High School standard

Q. Look at the given pictures and develop a story in your notebook.

Story No. 3

Title: A Lion and a Mouse

Once there was a lion sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came and climbed on its body. The lion got disturbed and woke up from his sleep.

The lion angrily took hold of the tiny mouse. The mouse pleaded with the lion to let him go, saying he would help him in need. The lion laughed at the mouse and let him go.

One day a hunter came and spread a net to catch the lion. The lion did not see that net and got stuck in it. He roared and tried to escape but he failed.

The mouse heard the lion's roar and came there. He started cutting the net with his teeth. The lion got out of the net and thanked the mouse. The mouse fulfilled his promise and saved the lion's life.


i) An act of kindness is never wasted.

ii) Forgiveness has its own reward

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