Conjunction and its types ---- Easy English Grammar Notes

Conjunction and its types ---- Easy English Grammar Notes


It is a word that joins two nouns, pronouns, or sentences.


1. Ali and Ahmed are brothers.

2. He and I go to school.

3. He did not go to school yesterday because it was raining.


1. Coordinating Conjunction:

It is used to join two independent clauses in a compound sentence. 

(Coordinating Conjunctions: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, Sc) These are called FANBOYS Also, however, hence, any, either is a Coordinating Conjunction.


1. Twenty students protested against smoking, but the newspaper failed to cover the story.

2. They came yet they did not help us.

2. Subordinating Conjunction:

It is used to join one dependent clause with another independent clause in a complex sentence. Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are some of the most common subordinating conjunctions

(Subordinating conjunctions: After, although, as, because, before,  though, if, even if, even though, since, unless, until, when, whenever, whereas, wherever, while, that


1. Although citizens protested, the newspaper failed to cover the story.

2. We had gone before he reached.

3. Correlative Conjunction:

Correlative conjunctions are pairs such as neither .... nor, either .... or, not only .... but also, Although ... yet. These conjunctions connect two balanced clauses, phrases, or words. Correlative Conjunctions are used in pairs.


1. Neither does he come nor does he write.

2. Although he is rich yet he does not help the poor.

3. He is not only a teacher but also a lawyer.

Correlative Conjunction-Exercises

Complete each sentence using the correct correlative conjunction pair from the parenthesis:

1. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July. (whether / or, either / or, as / if)

2. _______ I'm feeling happy ________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either /  or, whether / or, when / I'm)

3. _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again. (no sooner/than, rather than, whether / or)

4. _________ only is dark chocolate delicious, _________ it can be healthy. (whether / or, not / but,  just as / so)

5. _________ I have salad for dinner, _________ I can have ice cream for dessert. (if /then, when / than, whether / or)

6. ________ flowers _________ trees grow during warm weather. (not only / or, both / and, not / but)

7. _________ do we enjoy summer vacation, ________  we ________ enjoy winter break. (whether / or, not only / but also, either/or)

8. Calculus is _________ easy ________ difficult.   (not / but, both / and, either / or)

9. It's _________ going to rain __________ snow tonight. (as/if, either/or, as /as)

10. Savoury flavours are _________ sweet __________ sour. (often / and, neither / nor, both / and)


1- either/or


3-no sooner/than

4-not / but

5-if /then

6-both, and

7-not only / but also

8-not / but

9- either/or 

10-neither / nor

Coordinating Conjunction Exercises

Complete each sentence by using the correct coordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

1. My car has a radio __________ a CD player. (but, or, and)

2. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, __________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)

3. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, __________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)

4. I'm afraid of heights, __________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor)

5. I have to be on time, __________ my boss will be annoyed if I'm late. (and, nor, for)

6. Do you like chocolate __________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)

7. I have to go to work at six, __________ I'm waking up at four. (but, so, yet)

8. I was on time, __________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)

9. Nadia doesn't like to drive, __________  she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so) 

10. Our trip to the museum was interesting, __________   there were several new artifacts on display. (but, for, yet)


1. and, 2. nor, 3. but, 4. yet, 5. for, 6. or, 7. so, 8. but, 9. so, 10. for

Subordinating Conjunction Exercises

Complete each sentence by using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

1. I visit the Grand Canyor __________  I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

2. This is the place __________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)

3. __________ you win first place; you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless) 

4. You won't pass the test __________ you study. (when, if, unless)

5. I could not get a seat, __________ I came early. (as, though, when)

6. We are leaving Wednesday __________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)

7. Pay attention to your work, __________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)

8. The musicians delivered a rousing performance __________ they had rehearsed often. (though, as, once)

9. She's honest __________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)

10. Write this down __________ you forget. (or, when, lest)


1. whenever, 2. where, 3. if, 4. unless, 5. though, 6. whether, 7. so that, 8. as  9. so, 10. lest


Easy English Grammar Notes


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