The Dove and The Ant (Story No. 1) -- Story in English - Primary to High School standard

The Dove and The Ant (Story No. 1) -- Story in English - Primary to High School standard

Q. Look at the pictures and develop a story with a title and moral.

Story No. 1

Title: The Dove and The Ant

Once, a dove and an ant were friends. One day the ant was drinking water from a pond. Suddenly its foot slipped and it fell into the water. It was almost drowning when the dove saw it. The dove plucked a leaf from a tree and dropped it near the ant. The ant climbed on it and her life was saved.

After a few days, a hunter came there. He took aim at the dove. The ant saw all this. It ran to the hunter and bit the hunter's foot. The hunter missed the aim due to pain. The dove flew away.

Moral of the story: 

1. A friend in need is a friend indeed 

2. Do good have good 

You Must Visit:

 The Dove and The Ant (Story No. 2)

 The Dove and The Ant (Story No. 3)


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Stories in English (Main Page)


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1.  5th Class All Subjects Notes

2.  8th Class All Subjects Notes

3.  Easy English Grammar Notes

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2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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