A Hare and a Tortoise -- My Favourite Fable in English - Primary to High School standard

A Hare and a Tortoise -- My Favourite Fable in English - Primary to High School standard


My Favourite Fable 

 A Hare and a Tortoise

Once there lived a hare and a tortoise in a forest. The hare was very proud of his speed. He used to make fun of the tortoise for being too slow. One day, the tortoise challenged the hare to a race. The hare accepted the challenge. The race started. The hare ran very fast. The tortoise was left much behind. The hare got tired and stopped to have some rest under a tree. He fell asleep. The tortoise passed him and reached the winning post. The hare woke up and ran as fast as he could. He saw that the tortoise was already there at the winning post. The tortoise had won the race.

The moral of the story: Slow and steady wins a race.


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