Noun, Kinds of Noun --- Easy English Grammar Notes

Noun, Kinds of Noun --- Easy English Grammar Notes


It is a word that is the name of a person,  animal, place, thing,  or idea is called a noun.


                Faisal Mosque (place)

                Cat (animal)

                Sara (person)

                Jug (thing)

                Love (Idea)

Kinds of Noun

According to L.G. Alexander, there are only two kinds of nouns:

1. Proper Noun. 

2. Common Noun.

However, he says that common noun has these sub-kinds.

Countable Noun. 

4. Uncountable Noun. 

5. Collective Noun. 

6. Abstract Noun.

7. Material Noun.

8. Concrete Noun.

9. Compound Noun.

1. Proper Noun: 

A proper noun is the name of some particular person. Proper Nouns are always written with a capital letter at the beginning.


Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam, Badshahi Mosque (Masjid.), Kaabah, Saira, Dubai, 

Q. Read the following sentences and notice the use of proper nouns. [the underlined blue words are proper nouns]

1. Allama Iqbal is our national poet.

2. They went to the Faisal Masjid.

3. Nida reads the Holy Quran in the morning. 

4. The national animal of Pakistan is Markhor• 

5. Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan.

[Home Work → Find 20 more Proper nouns and 5 sentences]

Test No.1:

Underline the nouns in the given sentences and write whether they are common or proper nouns

  • We will go to Rawal Lake next week. ______________
  • My father is a hard-working man. _______________
  • It is a huge building. _________________
  • Islamabad is a beautiful city. _______________
  • K-2 is the highest peak in Pakistan. _______________


Common Nounsweek, father, man, building, city, peak

Proper NounsRawal lake, Islamabad, K2, Pakistan

2. Common Noun:

A common noun is a name given in common to every person, place, animal, or thing of the same class or kind. 


boy, girl, school, pencil, city, village, country, flower, etc.

Q. Read the following sentences and notice the use of common nouns. [the underlined blue words are common nouns]

1. My grandmother lives in a village.

2. I made a cake for my father.

3. There is a masjid near my house• 

4. She likes to play with a doll• 

5. There are beautiful mountains in my country.

[Home Work → Find 20 more common nouns and 5 sentences]

3. Countable Noun. 

The names of objects, pets, people, things, etc which we can count. 


book, pen, apple, boy sister, decors, etc

They have a plural form (e.g book → books).

4. Uncountable Noun. 

Things which we cannot count. They mainly denote substances and abstract things.


milk, oil, sugar, gold, honesty, water, etc.. 

Note: Uncountable nouns do not have the plural form with (s) or (es) and they always take a single helping verb.

5. Collective Noun:

A collective noun is the name of a number (or collection) of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole (one group).


Crowd - a group of people. 

mob - a group of people. 

Fleet - a collection of ships and vessels. 

herd - a collection of cattle. 

flock- a collection of birds. 

army - a collection of soldiers. 

family - a collection of relatives.

Jury - a collection of judges. 

Team - a collection of people working together. 

nation - a collection of people living together happily.

Parliament - a collection of politicians

Committee - a collection of people working together for completing a task.

[Home Work → Find 10 more collective nouns]

NoteCollective nouns may take single/plural/helping verbs. For example

i. Their family is coming to us

ii. Their family is divided over this matter.

Test No.2:

Read the given paragraph and notice the use of countable, uncountable, and collective nouns.

Hira went to the shopping mall with her mother. There were many shops. They went there to buy fruits and vegetables, Hira's mother bought some onions, a bunch of grapes, and a dozen bananas. Hira went to the bookstore and bought a new storybook for her friend. She also bought a bouquet of flowers for her father. They also enjoyed tea with chocolate cake in the cafe. It was a good experience.


Countable Nounsshops, fruits, vegetables, onions, dozen bananas, bookstore, storybook, chocolate, cake, cafe. 

Uncountable Nounstea, experience

Collective Nouns: a bunch of grapes, a bouquet of flowers

6. Abstract Noun:

An abstract noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs. e.g. beauty 

Quality: goodness, kindness, whiteness, darkness, hardness, brightness, honesty, wisdom, bravery. 

Action: Laughter, theft, movement, hatred judgment.

State: Childhood, youth, slavery, sleep, sickness, death, poverty.

Names of Arts and sciences are also Abstract nouns e.g. grammar, music, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.

Formation of Abstract Nouns:

Abstract nouns are formed by: 

From Adjectives:

kind (adjective) →  kindness (Abstract noun)

honest → honesty

beautiful → beauty 

obey → Obedience 

grow  growth 

From Common Nouns:

child → childhood

Slave  Slavery


i. Abstract nouns do not have the plural with (s) (es).

ii. Abstract nouns never take any article. 

7. Material Noun

It is the name of some matter. For example, gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, wood, etc.


i. Material nouns do not have the plural with (s) (es).

ii. Material nouns never take any article. 

8. Concrete Noun

Anything that we can see or touch


wall, bulb, carpet, register, book, pencil. etc. 

9. Compound Noun:

It is a noun that is made of more than one word. For example Whiteboard, x-ray, father-in-law, Mother-in-law, etc.


Easy English Grammar Notes


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