Single National Curriculum (SNC) Notes Pakistan
Best Speech on Teacher's Day (5th October ) in English for Students (Youm E Asatiza)
The Poem “The Toys” by Coventry Patmore - - Paraphrasing, Central Idea, Summary (12th Class - Federal Board)
The Poem “ If ” by Rudyard Kipling — Paraphrasing, Central Idea, Summary (12h Class - Federal Board)
The Poem “The Solitary Reaper” by William Wordsworth - - Paraphrasing, Central Idea, Summary (12h Class - Federal Board)
The Poem “Mother Nature” written by Sophia Engel - - Paraphrasing, Central Idea, Summary (10h Class - Federal Board)
The Poem “Break Break Break” by Lord Alfred Tennyson - - Paraphrasing, Central Idea, Summary (11h Class - Federal Board)
Class-8 General Science Notes (By Gaba Books)- Unit-3 - CONTROL AND COORDINATION - SLO-Based Short and Brief Questions and Answers
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