Class 8 General Science Notes: - Unit-2: Human Nervous System: Solved Exercise Part- D (Structured Questions and Answers)

Class 8 General Science Notes: - Unit-2: Human Nervous System: Solved Exercise Part- D (Structured Questions and Answers)

(National Book Foundation - New Book/New Syllabus Based on National Curriculum Pakistan 2023-2024 and Onwards)

(Class 8 General Science Notes for 8th Centralized Exam 2023-2024 and onward, FDE, Islamabad)

Click Here for Solved MCQs Unit-2

D. Structured questions

1. Medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain collectively form the brain stem.

a. Look at the functions controlled by these parts and suggest what will happen if the brain stem dies?

If the brain stem dies, it would lead to immediate and catastrophic failure of vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, consciousness, and reflexes, resulting in death.

b. What will happen if connection between cerebellum and brain stem is damaged in an accident?

Damage to the connection between the cerebellum and brain stem can result in coordination problems, impaired balance, and difficulties in fine motor skills, leading to conditions such as ataxia.

2. Humans have largest cerebrum than other animals.

a. Why is it so much convoluted?

The convoluted structure of the human cerebrum, with its numerous folds and grooves (gyri and sulci), increases the surface area, allowing for a greater number of neurons and synaptic connections. This increased surface area is associated with higher cognitive abilities and complex information processing.

b. Give the advantages of having large cerebrum.

A large cerebrum with convolutions provides

- Increased surface area for a higher density of neurons and synaptic connections
- Advanced cognitive abilities
- Complex information processing
- Enhanced intellectual capabilities

c. Enlist the roles of cerebrum.

1. The cerebrum is central to cognitive functions such as thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving.
2. It plays a key role in sensory processing, motor control, and memory formation.
3. Additionally, the cerebrum is involved in emotional processing, language comprehension, and maintaining consciousness.

With the help of play dough make a model of human nervous system showing brain, spnal cord and some nerves originating from brain and spinal cord.

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